Monday, April 20, 2009

New banding blog

This blog will provide updates on the bird banding projects I am involved in.

Currently, I am managing a bird community banding project at Moruya on the south coast of NSW.

I am also involved in a long-term bird community project operating at Charcoal Tank Nature Reserve near West Wyalong, NSW. I also occasionally get to a similar project site at the Weddin Mountains near Grenfell, NSW.

I have just received approval to begin a project on the bird community at Monga National Park and surrounding areas, on the coast range between Braidwood and Bateman's Bay in NSW.

I will also post about other projects that I may visit and contribute to from time to time.

Please feel free to contact me on regarding my projects or bird banding in Australia.


  1. Nice easy-to-read blog Anthony.

    Clear, simple, informative, well laid out and balanced.

  2. Thanks for the positive feedback Stuart!


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